Kelly Poulson.
Kelly Poulson.
Career Coach. Dream Chaser. Ass Kicker.

Let's make work awesome.

Career Coach. Dream Navigator. Ass Kicker.



Change is possible. Do the work. 

Here’s the thing. People spend most of their lives at work. Often feeling stuck, frustrated and stressed out. They don’t understand why they’re doing what they’re doing or what impact it has. And all of that leaves them feeling drained. And their employers don’t get why the biz isn’t booming. Or why people are leaving. Most of us want to stop this insanity but are stuck on where to begin. It starts with remembering that we’re human. I work with people who are looking to get clear on what matters most and create it.


Work doesn’t have to be a four letter word.

In need of inspiration? Look no further. 

